Born in 1993 in Paris, I live and work between France and the Czech Republic. I graduated in 2015 with a degree in film studies from the Sorbonne Nouvelle. During these years at the university I discovered the noise and experimental scene of Paris. The archives of the university and the films I borrowed from the video club in which I worked to finance my studies, accentuated my attraction for the Arts and its different forms. From 2016 to 2020 I entered the École Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence where I developed a practice linked to gaming and inversion.

I like to think that our existence is like a giant and tiny collage, from which hundreds of thousands of different dynamics escape to form a whole that we call the world. In my work I question what remains of the intimacy of an individual when he tends to be included in the whole of his species. In this dynamic and through installations linked to a type of Western living I explore our need to possess, to dream, to love, to celebrate, and think about our difficulty to contain the world. Narrative and writing are relevant to this research as they provide access to answers while constantly creating new questions. In the same way, I find the confrontation of seemingly unrelated elements interesting as it creates reversals that lead to redefinitions.